Information Briefs: Marine Environment Under Change
Summarizing how climate change affects the Arctic marine environment.
PAME is developing Information Briefs with the aim to leverage and synthesize factual information from the Arctic Council’s work on these topics and communicate to decision makers and the public, as well as contribute to cross-working group cooperation on common topics:
- Marine Protected Areas in a Changing Arctic
- Indigenous Food Security in the Arctic - Implications of a Changing Ocean
These Information Briefs were developed in close collaboration with AMAP, CAFF and Permanent Participants. Their translation into the Arctic States’ main and minority languages will be explored.
The Information Brief on Marine Protected Areas in a Changing Arctic summarizes how climate change affects the Arctic marine environment, from ecosystem and habitat impacts to driving changes in human activities, and highlights marine protected areas as a tool for Arctic resilience.
The Information Brief on Indigenous Food Security in the Arctic - Implications of a Changing Ocean focuses on how climate change affects Arctic Indigenous food systems, in particular resources, culture, and health tied to marine environments, and highlights examples of adaptive responses in ocean management.